Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Sleeping Buddy!

Hello. Today, I would like to introduce my sleep buddy. Well, actually this buddy is my mom's, but I am using her right now. My buddy does not have name yet, so please pick cute name for her!

She is always sleeping next to me in the same bed, and she is SO CUTE!!!

NOW, I will introduce my sleeping buddy.....................................

She is......................................................................................................

Ahaha!!! Don't you think she is cute??? She is sleeping with me every night!
Please give me some ideas for her name. Now I am calling her "Usa Chan". It means Rabbit, but it is saying cute way. What name will be best for her?


  1. Hiromi, can you please post your Mom's recipe for the salad with seaweed that we had at your house?? I want to make it! I think I can find all of the ingredients. Anyway, if you could post how to make it, that would be sooo great! Thank you!!! Miss you!! Love you!!

  2. Amy, Ok!!! I will ask to mom about recipe, and will post it. Miss you and Love you!!!
